Register a trademark – protect your names, products and logos.
Choose LUXPATENT Intellectual Property to get Trademark protection in only 4 simple steps!
Protect your ideas.
A registered trademark protects you from competitors and imitators and strengthens your own reputation!
At the same time, the registered trademark gives you a monopoly position vis-à-vis your competitors. In the event of unlawful use of your trademark by third parties, you can thus demand injunctive relief and, if necessary, enforce it in court – or, alternatively, you can agree on license fees.
Trademark registration at LUXPATENT is very simple for the client – and we take great care to ensure the highest quality standards in the implementation, so that you are granted a strong protective right.
After successful registration you will receive an official certificate, which we will send to you. The certificate shows the registered trademark, e.g. your word mark or your own logo. (Example)
Registering a trademark – Protecting company logos – Protecting product names – Company – Word marks – Word/figurative marks – Logos and figurative marks – Including trademark research – Bringing products to market in a legally secure manner – Opening up new markets and potentials – Advertising with ® (e.g. YourCompany® or YourProduct®).
Secure your brand names and logos early on to avoid others beating you to the punch!
Therefore, send a non-binding contact request now.
Successful companies pay attention to their reputation and want to be recognized by their customers. Customers should be able to recognize the origin of the products and trust in their quality. By registering important corporate identifiers, logos, product names, etc. as trademarks at an early stage and subsequently registering them as trademarks, you can invest in your reputation and focus on your business field without having to fear reputation exploitation and imitators or free riders.
Quality trademark counseling and registration includes a thorough search for third-party rights. This is important in two respects: If there is a risk of confusion with already existing trademarks, you not only risk your own future trademark rights, but may also become a trademark infringer yourself by using a sign protected by a third party and consequently be liable for injunctive relief and damages. This is what we want to protect you from with our search activities.
Exemplary registration certificates of a successful trademark registration (left: European Union, right: Germany)
Procedure of a typical patent application at LUXPATENT Intellectual Property:
Choosing us, it only takes 4 simple steps to your own registered trademark!
Step 1
Non-binding inquiry: Your (desired) brand and your business (approx. 15 min)
Inform us free of charge about your (desired) brand and what you offer on the market, i.e. your products and/or services.
We will advise you in advance and use this information later to register your trademark in the best possible form.
Step 2
Creation of high-quality and comprehensive directories of goods and services
We create for you the so-called Goods & Services directories, which are obligatory for trademark applications, using the Nice Classification. Thus, we “translate” your business activities into standardized directories, which are essential for the planned trademark title(s).
This is enormously important, since your later trademark protection will only extend to the listed goods and services.
The creation of the directories should therefore be done with the utmost care for a resilient and solid trademark right. High-quality directories thus avoid “gaps” in trademark protection being discovered later.
It can also be helpful to consider into which further (future) industries one wants to expand the use of a trademark in the medium term. Early registration is worthwhile.
Step 3
Search for Third Party Rights: Recommendation for action
We search for you in extensive databases for relevant trademark rights of third parties.
You should avoid frontal collisions with the rights of third parties both during trademark registration and when using your trademark in business transactions: Otherwise, your trademark could be ready for cancellation immediately after registration, or you may even run the risk of infringing a third party’s trademark right and becoming liable for injunctive relief and damages.
In order to avoid these pitfalls, it is therefore necessary to conduct thorough research so that you can subsequently drive forward the success of your trademark with the best conscience.
We cover both aspects with our extensive and in-depth research. You will receive a short report with a recommendation for action after the research has been completed.
As a rule, the trademark can be registered. However, for optimal protection without collision with third party rights, some adjustments (e.g. in the trademark form) and precautions (e.g. delimitations in the lists of goods and services) are often required.
Step 4
Filing the trademark application with the Trademark Office
We will send you the final documents for review and approval. If you agree with everything, we will file the application with the Office electronically for you.
Step 5
more than just 100% satisfaction
Be more than 100% satisfied with your registered trademark!
We give everything for your satisfaction and fulfill more than just the expectations of our customers. Try us and let us convince you.
Contact us for an individual initial assessment – free of charge.
Trademark application
Scope of registered trademarks
Protect your rights early on. We register trademarks for you with the geographical scope of protection that best suits you. For example, you are protected by
– a German trademark in the Federal Republic of Germany,
– a Benelux trademark in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg,
– a Swedish trademark in the Kingdom of Sweden,
– etc.
An EU trademark registration is particularly attractive for many applicants due to its wide geographical scope and protection throughout the whole of the European Union – with only one registration procedure being necessary.
An International Registration (International Trademark Application via the so-called Madrid system) is often interesting if you are planning a geographically widely distributed or far-reaching activity. Such an International Registration regularly requires a trademark already granted in one country. By means of the International Registration it is also very easy to extend the trademark protection to further countries.
We are happy to support you on the way to your International Registration.
What we can’t offer you – and don’t want to:
There are numerous competitors on the Internet who offer trademark applications at enormously low costs plus the official fees that are due in any case.
A high-quality trademark application costs just as much time as a responsibly conducted trademark consultation or a thorough search for conflicting rights of third parties. Therefore, we do not sell you anything “quick and dirty” or “off the shelf”.
We, however, continue to stand by our quality standards: Good things take time.
Simply get in touch with us for an individual consultation.