Your ideas matter – if you use them strategically.
Välkommen till LUXPATENT Intellectual Property, din kompetenta partner för din immateriella egendom.
Vi ger dig och ditt företag en monopolställning gentemot dina konkurrenter och upprätthåller den – internationellt.
Oavsett om det gäller patent, varumärken, designskydd eller avtal – eller andra frågor som rör immateriella rättigheter – ger vi dig gärna råd som patentombud eller på annat sätt och vidtar lämpliga åtgärder (t.ex. patentansökningar, varumärkesansökningar, invändningar, intrångs- eller ogiltighetstalan) inför de relevanta myndigheterna i nära samråd med dig för att säkra din långsiktiga ekonomiska framgång.
En bra patent- och varumärkesportfölj skapar enorma konkurrensfördelar för otaliga företag idag. Att skapa och upprätthålla en sådan portfölj av immateriella rättigheter kan kosta mycket tid och energi, men det lönar sig.
Vi ser oss själva som en internationellt orienterad och globalt verksam advokatbyrå och som din partner som kommer att följa dig på lång sikt och på ett hållbart sätt.
Oavsett om det gäller Tyskland, Benelux, Europa, USA, Sydostasien eller en annan marknad – våra experter står till ditt förfogande.
Vi lyckas ofta få patentskydd för våra kunders mjukvaror.
Vad dina mål än är – låt oss veta.
För de senaste uppdateringarna och nyheterna, vänligen besöka också vår hemsida på engelska. Tack!
Thomas Rössler, Ph.D., LL.M.
Patent-, varumärkes- och designombud
European Patent Attorney (Ombud inför Europapatentverket/Europeisk patentombud)
European Patent Litigator (Ombud vid den enhetliga patentdomstolen/Unified Patent Court)
Europeisk varumärkes- och designombud (Ombud inför EUIPO)
Tidigare europeisk patentgranskare (Europapatentverket/EPO)
United States Patent Agent (USPTO) [för närvarande inaktiv på grund av krav på bosättning i USA]
Master of Laws (Immaterialrätt)
Doktorsexamen (Teoretisk högenergifysik, Lunds universitet)
Thomas heter jag. Som internationellt verksam immaterialrätts- och patentombud hanterar jag en mängd olika fall och frågor inom immaterialrättsområdet. Jag har ursprungligen studerat fysik och täcker ett tekniskt mycket brett spektrum av uppfinningar.
Under årens lopp har jag hanterat en uppsjö av ärenden, vanligen inom olika tekniska områden som mekanik, maskinteknik och elektroteknik samt datorrelaterade uppfinningar (mjukvaror). På det särskilda området för datorer, datorimplementerade uppfinningar och programvara är jag en internationellt erkänd expert på möjligheterna, men också på fallgroparna, vid upphandling och försvar av patent för dator- och programvaruuppfinningar, inklusive simuleringar, som för närvarande får mycket uppmärksamhet inom patenträtten i samband med den ökande digitaliseringen.
Jag har bidragit som medförfattare till många vetenskapliga, tekniska och juridiska publikationer.
Min yrkeserfarenhet som patentgranskare vid Europeiska patentverket (EPO) visar sig vara ytterst användbar i mitt dagliga arbete med att ge bästa möjliga stöd i klienternas patentansökningsförfaranden.
Du får gärna skriva till mig!
Utvalda bidrag
Flowchart: Assessment of Software Patentability in Europe
Divided and joint patent infringement meeting extra-territorial reach of protection: A study of Germany and the United States (Master of Laws)
A Unified Patent Court for Europe - University of Washington School of Law, 2020, Seattle, Washington, USA (
PDF version)
Navigating the Intersection Between Patent Prosecution and Patent Litigation. Conference Panel Talk, International Intellectual Property Law Association (IIPLA), 2021, Las Vegas, USA [link to be posted]
Exemplariska tjänster
![light-bulb-turned-off (4)](https://www.luxpatent.com/wp-content/uploads/light-bulb-turned-off-4.png)
Technical inventions, patents
Whatever you have invented - in most cases a technical patent is the appropriate means. We prepare and draft patent applications for you and accompany you in the subsequent procedure.
In which technical field your invention lies and whether your invention is a product or a process, a physical entity or a software, plays only a subordinate role.
![quill (4)](https://www.luxpatent.com/wp-content/uploads/quill-4.png)
Product and service names, company names, trademarks
The official registration of the trademarks you use or intend to use in the future provides you with legal protection against exploitation of your reputation and imitation of your products. We advise you comprehensively, file your desired trademarks with the authorities and supervise the registration procedures.
We also conduct searches, ideally both before the trademark is registered and before you start using it, to check whether the trademark you intend to use conflicts with the trademark rights of third parties.
![dimensions (4)](https://www.luxpatent.com/wp-content/uploads/dimensions-4.png)
Registered designs
If you want to protect an aesthetic aspect - for example of your product - the registered design may be the IP right of choice for you.
As with trademarks, we also represent you in design matters before the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Freedom-to-operate analyses and observation of competitors
For the legally compliant implementation of your commercial product or services ideas, which is unassailable to third parties, it is necessary to ensure that you do not infringe any third-party property rights - in particular patents, utility models and designs.
We conduct comprehensive searches for your freedom-to-operate and then prepare an expert opinion. In many cases, if you know the critical property rights of third parties in detail, you can circumvent them in a legally compliant manner without this being detrimental to your individual idea and your business model.
Holistic IP-and-business strategy
Law serves business. IP rights are essentially powerful tools for your business, which serve to achieve your business goals and maximize your potential.
Although in practice property rights are often the decisive elements in your business toolbox, an IP strategy that is not in line with your business goals is worthless and can even have fatal consequences.
Through the appropriate consulting "from a single source" with a holistic approach, we simply give our all for your success and leave no potential for improvement unused.
Business consulting and corporate law
We help not only with the protection, but - if desired - also with the implementation of your idea.
No matter where in the world you want to gain a foothold, we have the right contacts.
IP strategy and enforcement
If third parties infringe your IP rights with their products or if you are accused of infringing someone else's IP rights, it is important to act proactively.
The vast majority of IP successful companies are a result of constant planning and revision, for example to build a strong portfolio, which is tailored to your company, your goals as well as your (potential) competitors. This is the only way to ensure that you obtain, retain and successfully defend a strong IP position to your benefit.
Weak IP rights, such as patents for commercially nonsensical ideas in which your competitors are not and will never be interested, are usually worthless.
IP exploitation, license agreements and negotiations
IP rights can not only be enforced as a monopoly position, they can also be directly monetized. An example of this is the license: an exclusive, sole or non-exclusive grant of a right of use. As a rule, such license agreements allow a great deal of creative freedom through restrictions, etc., and thus offer many design options for both parties to the contract.
The owner of the property right thus generates a passive income. We will be happy to draw up the relevant contracts for you as per your needs and wishes and advise you on what needs to be taken into account in license agreements and negotiations. It is also important to check compliance with the contractual provisions at a later stage.
Multinational IP coordination:
one-stop shop
Wherever in the world the markets of interest to you would be - we have an excellent international network.
Just get in touch with us.
We regularly file and coordinate international patent applications (so-called PCT applications) and the resulting national IP rights for our clients, who appreciate that with us they have a single, central point of contact for their worldwide IP situation.
Digital Transformation
Mastering the "challenges" of digital transformation: a frequently expressed client wish. By this we mean one thing in particular: potentials and opportunities for you.
As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, digital transformation is once again accelerating for numerous clients. Competitors are catching up just as fast in this race to "keep up" in efficiency, flexibility and future security.
We regularly accompany clients on this path and work together with leading software developers, for example, who can provide digital processes tailored to your company and implement them for you. Contact us.
Successful Patenting of Software and Artificial Intelligence
Software, such as software-controlled processes or software applications, and especially developments in the field of artificial intelligence, are considered particularly "difficult" to patent in Europe. However, with the right approach to the patent application, a strong IP right can be obtained, provided that something technical is effected by the invention.
Such cases include, for example, special fields of application ("use cases") of neural networks (e.g. in a measurement, control or actuation), simulations or adaptations of software to certain hardware.
This very current, demanding field is therefore not without reason one of our specialties.
We give sincere advice on the patentability of your ideas, and in specific cases we also advise against patent applications if we do not consider it promising that the patent will be granted. In practice, we mainly advise cutting-edge start-ups in the software field, which can often attract the interest of large investors through the patent application and the subsequent patent.
Opposition against third party property rights - also anonymously via "straw man"
A patent that has been granted to your competitor and which you may be infringing can be challenged by means of an opposition procedure within a period of time provided for this purpose.
Such a patent opposition is designed as a popular remedy: Essentially, anyone can file such an opposition.
Therefore, if you do not wish to disclose your identity as the "actual opponent", we file the opposition "as a straw man" in our own name. This is more frequently used by our smaller clients: In this way, we can eliminate the threatening IP right for you without your competitor feeling "put on the spot" by you.
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